10 Reasons Opening a Franchise Should Be Your 2020 Resolution

Two Postnet Franchise owners smiling for photo.

As the year winds down, we’re all looking ahead to 2020 and getting ready to create and embrace change in our lives. A new decade is the perfect opportunity for a fresh start! No matter how many avenues of self-improvement you might be considering, there’s one big change you can implement that will put all of your resolutions within reach: becoming a franchise owner!

Read on to see the many positive changes entrepreneurship can bring to your life in 2020. 


1. Find more meaning in your career. Helping people succeed, doing work you’re proud of, and building a legacy for your family are all some of the ways that entrepreneurs find greater satisfaction in what they do. 

2. Exercise more… of your entrepreneurial skills. Our talents are like muscles — the more you use them, the stronger they get!

3. Spend more quality time with family. Sane working hours help you align your schedule with your loved ones. That means more family dinners together, more game nights, more helping with homework, more meaningful conversations.

4. Travel more. It’s easy with a flexible work schedule! It’s time to dust off that bucket list and do the things you never had time for in the past. 

Postnet employee talking on the phone while working on the computer.

5. Be more organized. When you are your own boss, you’re responsible for managing schedules, inventory, deadlines, and more — so organization is a skill you’ll refine quickly! 

6. Learn a new skill. Or a dozen. Being an entrepreneur is an exercise in lifelong learning! From people management to creating business plans, there’s a myriad of subjects to educate yourself on, bettering both your business and yourself.

7. Get to know your neighbors. Entrepreneurship is all about building relationships and being a go-to person in your community. When you start providing the essential services and solutions that your neighbors depend upon, you’ll be amazed at how much better you get to know the people who live and work around you.

Postnet Franchise owner assisting customer with her package and shipping label.

8. Read more. Sure, it might be a lot of industry trends and Entrepreneur magazines, but it counts! The more you know in business, the more successful you’ll be as an entrepreneur. 

9. Support charity. Many entrepreneurs make charitable outreach a cornerstone of their business models. Supporting charitable causes is not only a way to give back, but can also generate positive attention for your business. A little generosity goes a long way!

10. Get out of your comfort zone. Punching a clock is easy, stable, and comfortable, but little risk leads to little reward. Push yourself — that’s when the fun happens! 


What’s your dream for 2020? Learn more about how PostNet can help you achieve it, and take the first step toward a better future for yourself and your family.


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